Welcome! If it is your first visit, please allow for 10-15 extra minutes to complete some intake forms regarding your health and well-being.

Each session will begin with a short discussion to establish some goals for your bodywork session.

I am dedicated to providing enough time between clients so that filling out paperwork or assessing treatment goals does not take away from your time on the table.

your session

During your specialized bodywork session I will use treatment based approaches to address pain and tension in the body, utilizing a combination of techniques and modalities based on your unique goals and preferences. My intention is to create a warm, inviting and safe space to experience healthy touch and facilitate a connection to your healing and sense of well being.

offerings, techniques, and modalities

Swedish Massage

This is gentle, soft tissue manipulation characterized by broad, long, often rhythmic gliding strokes. For many people, this type of massage is very effective at activating the “rest and digest” or parasympathetic nervous system—decreasing cortisol, increasing serotonin and dopamine production, and promoting the body’s own healing mechanisms using light to medium pressure to encourage the release of muscle tension and promote relaxation. This type of massage is also helpful in warming up the superficial tissue layers, making them more receptive to deeper or more specific work. Utilizing these techniques throughout the session can help the body feel integrated, connected, and whole.

Deep Tissue Therapy

Deep tissue bodywork does not have to hurt to be effective. During this type of work, I will be checking in a bit more about pressure and your level of comfort. During any part of the treatment, “comfortably uncomfortable” is a good threshold to keep in mind. If you can’t breathe with relative ease through any part of the treatment, that is a good indication that a lighter touch is called for. Everyone’s experience is different, so communication is even more important with this type of bodywork. The intention is focused on accessing deeper muscle layers and connective tissue.

Myofascial Therapy

This type of bodywork is sometimes called myofascial release and is focused less on specific muscles and more on the fascia (the amazing web of connective tissue that is interwoven in a complex matrix throughout the entire in the body). Often characterized by long, slow, nearly static pressure applied with little or no oil or cream—the intention being to invite space and encourage the slow unwinding of the intricate web of fascia that connects everything in our bodies .

Warm Basalt Stone Massage

Heated in a bath of warm water, smooth basalt river stones are used as an extension of the therapist’s hands to aid in the release of muscle tension. Increased circulation and the warm sensation of the stones help to melt the tissues and add another layer of comfort to your personalized bodywork session.

Myofacial Cupping Therapy

Cupping has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been practiced in Eastern medicine for thousands of years. Cups are placed on the treatment area using suction. The underlying tissues are lifted up and into the negative pressure, decompressing the fascia and increasing blood and lymphatic circulation to the area. Sometimes cupping is referred to as myofascial decompression (MFD) or reverse massage. This technique can be helpful to break up scar tissue, treat soft tissue injuries, and increase flexibility. The cups can be stationary or in motion, either using an oil to help glide across the area, or set and left for approximately 5-10 min. After placement, a bruise-like mark (more similar to a hickey , or “cupping kiss”) will sometimes remain for many days after treatment.